Quixtar IBO Pierce:

Personally, I think too much emphasis is put on the
tapes and cd’s. This only helps make look anti Quixtar advocates appear
to have a point. Even as a strong beleiver in Quixtar it appears to be
a racket to me.
Think about it. Upon entering the business you’re told
the best thing to do is to go to a function such as FED. You go and pay
$100 for the whole weekend which is a good deal compared to other
financial seminars. Then, you come home and they’re pushing tapes and
Cd’s. But, everything you here is the same thing you just heard at the
function. You end up paying twice for the same information. I have a
big problem with that and seriously question a system where the same
people making money off the functions , and the same people making
money off cd’s/tapes are the ones pushing you to buy them. And of
course "if you don’t buy them you’re not going to go anywhere because
you’re not completing the nine steps". Furthermore, the cd’s /tapes can
usually be summed up to be a lot of useless stories and bragging
surrounding maybe a halh hour of good, solid, useful information. I’m
sorry , just the way I see it. I feel that it has become more of a
business tool business than a wholesale /retail business.

As far
as the prices. I don’t care what you say. They need to come down.
sorry but you will be hard pressed to convince a Walmart shopper to
switch to exclusives with the difference in price. I recently purchased
Satinique shampoo and conditioner(small size),Satinique shaping
creme(two bottles), Tolsom aftershave splash, and a bottle of Tolsom
shaving creme.My total was around $70 after the tax, shipping, and
shipping tax. Do you understand what a person can get for that amount
of money else where?

Please don’t get me wrong. I am an
advocate of the business, but I feel we have a few issues we need to
work out and until we do we’re leaving ourselves vulnerable to critics.
That is what gave Quixtar/Amway the bad name in the first place?