Google just added a new “promotions” tab to it’s Gmail application that has caused a big stir in the email marketing arena (that includes just about every Network Marketer who wishes to build their business using the Internet).

Basically this means that any email that Google deems “promotional” will likely land in a tab that could easily be ignored.

Now, I’m not saying this is the end of email marketing, but it is absolutely (without question) a big change.

And it’s a wake up call for those of you who haven’t carved out your piece of real estate online with a WordPress Blog.

Just about every top marketer I know has a blog.

  • Jonathan Budd
  • Ann Sieg
  • Mike Dillard
  • Ray Higdon
  • Todd Falcone

That list could go on and on.

One of the biggest challenges people face is getting their blog set up.

So I had my team create a dozen WordPress Blog Tutorials to help you get started.

Now, more than ever, it’s urgent that you have your own place online…not controlled by Google or Facebook.

Check out my BloggerPop WordPress Tutorials here.

Inside you get a dozen WordPress tutorials and 17 bonus marketing videos to help you get started marketing your business online.