Having lived my whole life in the Pacific Northwest, I know a thing or two about Evergreen trees. They stand tall above many other trees and they always keep their green color. This is the exact kind of content you want for your MLM Blog. Content that stands out and keeps looking live no matter how the seasons change.

The Digital Marketing Institute describes Evergreen content:

Evergreen content is search-optimized content that is continually relevant and stays “fresh” for readers over a long period of time – as the name implies. You may think that all online content is sustainable; after all, a blog post doesn’t just disappear after you publish it. But evergreen content is different. It continues to be relevant long past its publication date, with search traffic growing over time.

If you scroll through the archives here at the MLM Blog, you will find a huge amount of content that is mostly not Evergreen, like MLM News. The news can be interesting and controversial and bring in some nice bumps in traffic, but it’s typically not long term.

This is why you’ll find me writing a lot more useful Evergreen content recently and in the future.

Here are 5 tips to help you write Evergreen content for your MLM Blog:

  1. Know your audience – knowing what your audience wants to read and learn will help you get a clear understanding of what type of content will be helpful in the longterm.
  2. Create a list of topics that will be relevant for years to come. I keep a running Google Doc of blog topics that I can reference at any time. If you add to your topic list on a regular basis (when the ideas are flowing), you will never run into a writer’s blog situation.
  3. Find sources of content that are evergreen and use them as inspiration for your own posts. For nearly 15 years, I have been teaching my blogging students and clients to read 5 blog posts a day within or on the outskirts of their niche. If you read 5 blog posts a day, your brain will take that information and begin to spit out new ideas that you can use on your blog.
  4. Use keywords in the title, tags, and description to help people find your post more easily. I write a blog post about SEO For Your MLM Blog that will outline the strategy you need to get your blog found in the search engines.
  5. Make sure you include links to other evergreen content so readers can learn from it too. At the top of this blog post, I linked to the article about Evergreen Content from the Digital Marketing Institute. The article not only discusses Evergreen Content, but the article is also an example of highly ranked Evergreen Content.

Evergreen Content will be the pillars of your MLM Blog in the long run. But the work you put in will be worth the effort once you begin to get traction on search engines and social media.

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