Jonathan Budd has sprung on to the Network Marketing – Internet Marketing scene nearly as fast as Ann Sieg did a few years ago and interesting enough, they both did it pretty much the same way…Network Marketing with Google Pay Per Click.  

You can’t do a Google search for any company or MLM leader without also finding an ad for Online MLM Secrets.

In fact, search for "Ty Tribble" and you will find one of his ads.

So what do I think of this Internet Marketing "boy wonder"?

I am pretty amazed at what he has put together at such a young age.

Everywhere I look in the industry, it seems to lead to:

"Hello, my friends, Jonathan Budd coming at ya.."

I am so proud of what Jonathan has done and highly recommend checking out his Jonathan Budd – Online MLM Secrets Bootcamp (it’s free).  The kid is the real deal and you can learn a lot from him.

I love it when good content is given away for free.  His stuff is in that category.