OK, not exactly last chance, but rather last chance to save $600…

About six months ago, I got my hands on Mike Dillard’s MLM Traffic
Formula ($497 at the time) and to this day, it has had the most impact
(of any training materials) on my business in my 15 years of Network

Well, I just got word that this
program was only being offered for $497 for a limited time and it will
soon (January 1st!!!) go up to $997. The program is easily worth $997
and I don’t blame Mike for raising the price.  In fact, I made tens of
thousands of dollars over the last six months using the techniques
taught in the MLM Traffic Formula.
But I have great news for you…
Mike Dillard is offering a last chance price for the MLM Traffic Formula of $397.
not trying to make some big pitch here, I just don’t want you to miss
out on this special price and then get mad at me for not letting you
know about the chance to save $600.
(Remember, this program changed my life and I refer to it multiple times a week).
Here is the link (Last Chance To Save $600): http://mlmblog.mlmtrafficformula.com/letter.html