In the next few days I will be moving the MLM – Network Marketing Podcast back home to the MLM Blog. When I first launched the Podcast, Typepad did not support Podcasting, so I went with Blogharbor. Blogharbor has been a good host, but due to the growth of the Podcast (over 4,000 unique visitors/listeners in August), I feel that Typepad is a better solution.

I plan to have a slow but smooth transition and will continue to post the Podcasts at the old feed for some time. I will post the new feed information soon.

In other news, I have teamed up with Dane Carlson of Business Opportunities Weblog to produce the MLM Business Opportunities Blog, (get yourself a sneak peak…the official launch is next week). The new site is less about commentary and opinion and more about news and links.

You may also notice that I have put a chat interface in the left panel. This interface will allow readers to ask me questions in real time. I don’t have a schedule yet, and I have only placed the program on one of my computers, so catching me may be hit and miss, but I think it might be a cool way to interact with the folks that read this blog. We’ll see. I kind of consider it a beta thing.

That’s my update and I’m stickin’ to it.

Update 9/30: I just got an email from Blogharbor about this very post. I am going to listen to what they have to say before I complete this move. That simple email may have saved a customer. MLM lesson here?