All seems quite on the Quixtar Blog front, so my deeper search for Quixtar reading led me to a blog titled "Homeschooling our Tourette’s Kid" and a post titled Quixtar is Amway!

In the comment section of the post, I found this gem from a World Wide Dreambuilders IBO:

The bottom line now is that the ecommerce aspect of the Quixtar business is in the right place at the right time, and is growing substantially.

Do you know the sound you make when something like a bit of cracker gets caught in your throat? Go ahead. Make that sound now. Kaahhhhfffkkk. I think that’s close to the correct spelling. That is the sound I feel compelled to make when another Quixtar IBO spouts off about growth.

Let’s clear two things up:

1. Quixtar is not growing.

2. WWDB (World Wide Dreambuilders) is not growing.

More volume and more people going diamond would suggest growth. Less people going diamond, less volume means no growth. OK?