This one I do not get.  We can speculate that Schroeder did not have much success in bringing his team over to MonaVie from Agel and MonaVie is being nice by rewarding him with a job. I also don’t see this flying with guys like Orrin Woodward and Brig Hart, arguably the two most influential leaders in MonaVie.

Here is an excerpt from a letter to MonaVie distributors from Randy Schroeder:

Recently, the MonaVie Executive Team approached us about the possibility of departing from our conventional distributor role to take on a new role. The new role would consist of us helping to replicate the success of the above-mentioned domestic model on a global scale. After careful thought and prayerful consideration, we have chosen to accept the proposal.

Though no longer a distributor in the conventional sense of the word, we remain independent, and we are not considered employees of MonaVie. In this new position, our focus will be on helping you build your businesses internationally. We have relinquished our own personal distributorship and position, and no longer receive compensation from the distributor compensation plan. Rather, we are compensated based on the success of the international markets (excluding the United States and Japan). Simply put, we will be traveling the world of MonaVie as your advocate, providing training and guidance, regardless of group or system affiliations.

Randy Schroeder took the time to offer a response:

I became a Black Diamond in 7 months.

My volume went up nearly every month. I consider my success at MonaVie to represent a new pinnacle in my career.

My world has been almost exclusively international. Dallin Larsen and the other founders saw unique value in this experience and asked after one year in MonaVie that I trade my Black Diamond distributorship for a long term consulting contract…with the same base line income as provided by my distributorship, but with a changed opportunity for me and for MonaVie.

In my role as “International Distributor Ambassador” I was given the opportunity to grow the entire international business, help more people and be rewarded for doing so. Recently, the founders asked if I would be willing to take on the total responsibility for the development of MonaVie in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Russia, as President of MonaVie EMEA. I view this as a chance to make a greater and more lasting impact on MonaVie and on the industry than anything I have accomplished thus far in my career.

I have enjoyed every moment of my association with MonaVie. I feel that my skills are honed to the highest level of my 23 years in the industry and am completely enlivened by all that I am privileged to do in MonaVie.

These are truly the finest days of my career.

Best Always,

Randy Schroeder

I congratulate Randy on his success and happiness!

– Ty Tribble