Raven Starre was arguably the first star of MonaVie.  She had a large online presence along with her (former) husband Calvenn, collectively known as "The Starre Team". The couple claimed to personally enroll over 200 people in 6 weeks, during the early free sign up days prior to MonaVie's official launch.

Twitter is all a twit about her leaving MonaVie for Agel.

From her Google Profile:

At the age of 18, Raven rose to the top of a billion dollar MLM company and was featured on national television. 

 She has built three multi-million dollar MLM distributorships, in 1995, 1998 and again in 2005. Over her career, Raven has consistently been in the top 1% of MLM, Network Marketing and/or Home Based Business. 

A sought-after speaker and trainer, Raven created the leading-edge Network Marketing training program "Recruiting Magic." This has become one of the most acclaimed audio programs in MLM. 

She has taught thousands of entrepreneurs how to build successful organizations. 

 Raven is currently one of the highest earning single women in the history of the MLM profession, with over 70,000 distributors in her network.

Fair trade?  Raven Starre for Randy Schroeder?