The other day I asked my wife this question,

"If there was one thing you disliked the most about Network Marketing, what would that be?"

Her answer, "Syrup".

Once I stopped laughing, I wondered how many other people would echo this complaint?

Early in my career, it seemed that I met dozens of "leaders" that seemed to "ooze" whenever they talked to you. Broad smiles, vigorous handshakes, and exaggerated laughter at lame humor? Maybe it was just me. That made me very uncomfortable and very suspicious. It just lacked something….

It was strange that when I left that company, I learned that Network Marketing was so much bigger than I was lead to believe. I also learned that it was better to be sticky in terms of building relationships that stood without a business interest. Sweet!

Dave Stone authors several blogs about Network Marketing, personal development, entrepreneurship, and other stuff. He has developed successful businesses with a number of organizations, served as VP of a Network Marketing company, featured seminar speaker and his most rewarding position as father and husband.