"Don’t listen to negative people."

"Just Move On."

"Never take advice from people who are more screwed up than you are."

"There will be people like that. Don’t worry about it."

This is the standard advice given to people that ask how to handle "the negative" associated with Network Marketing.

The big problem with the advice is that it is wrong. With the rare exception of a person being negative simply for the sake of being negative, people have very valid concerns about Network Marketing.

  • High priced products
  • Income claims
  • Product claims
  • Ineffective training systems that line the pockets of a few and empty the pockets of the majority

Network Marketing has earned it’s reputation and the only way to change it is to understand what the problems are and consistently be different.

How about asking more questions, digging a little deeper and gaining a true understanding of where the other person is coming from.

Want to help change our industry? A good place to start might be the 10 Principles of Highly Ethical Network Marketers.