A forum poster known only as "Insider" posted something very interesting at the Quixtar Blog Forum recently. The post is part of a survey of Quixtar IBOs.

5. Last month, what was the average personal PV per IBO?


(a) system IBOs


(b) non-system IBOs


For the past 2 + years I have been saying that the biggest problem with Quixtar is the failure of the tools system, yet it is (now) painfully obvious that without the tools system Quixtar has got nothing. Look at the volume for people that are IBOs, but do not subscribe to a tools system.

A million so called incredible products and IBO’s that are not subscribed to some type of motivational CD buy under $20 worth.

Quixtar leaders will tell you that Quixtar products are incredible, awesome, concentrated and the best, yet apparently when you are not listening to them tell you this on a weekly basis (via CD), you stop buying them.

The biggest problem with Quixtar is that the products are not a good value. If the products were good, the volume would never take such a dive when people stop actively building their business.

This might be the biggest difference between Oasis LifeSciences and Quixtar. Most people that sign up for Oasis, have an experience with one of the products and whether or not they choose to build a business in the future, the product volume created by the person is virtually unaffected.