When a new MLM extends their Prelaunch it usually means one thing – they didn’t hit their initial goal. Restructuring their compensation plan mid-prelaunch is also another big red flag. I wouldn’t waste my time with this mlm opportunity.

Read the whole mlm story:

VoiParty has opened the flood gates! Due to the unexpected growth and increased demand, VoiParty has just announced that they will be extending its Official Launch until February 1, 2010. With this development, investors will have one additional month to take advantage of the Pre Launch pricing and attain a prime position in the VoiParty network. After the Official Launch on February 1, 2010 the One-Time Investment cost to join VoiParty will increase to $279.95.

Additionally, VoiParty has also announced a restructuring of their Compensation Plan. The new Compensation Plan will provide VoiParty members 40% more spill over, 12 levels of compensation and 2 different types of Infinity Bonuses. Add to this a Global Profit Sharing pool and combine this with the fact that qualification requirements have been reduced significantly, makes VoiParty an even greater opportunity that ordinary people can invest in!!

Source: Live PR