I am amazed at the comments we have been getting here at the MLM Blog.  Thank you for sharing.  You will notice that this is the place where both sides of the story are shared, not just one side.

Here is a thought provoking comment from one of the readers:

One of the interesting things about a Chapter 11 Bankruptcy filing of a privately held company is that it is forced to release financial information that might not otherwise come to light. If you review the company court filings, you will find some interesting data.

One interesting point is the summary of why the filing was necessary:

"Although the Company had experienced a high rate of revenue growth through 2006 and early 2007, this was driven primarily by unusually higher levels of recruitment of new AICs, which was unsustainable. In 2005 and 2006, on a net basis, the Company added approximately 434,000 and 612,000 AICs, respectively. Because recruitment of AICs tends to be a leading indicator of later attrition, the historically high numbers of new consultants in those years resulted in attrition exceeding the recruiting levels in subsequent years. In 2007, 2008 and 2009, on a net basis, the Company lost approximately 108,000, 270,000 and 145,000 AICs, respectively. This attrition, combined with the downturn in the economy and the financial crisis later in 2008, caused a reduction in the Company’s overall net sales." [Proposal to Restructure, p. 31]

Go back and check that against the company’s official statements at the time about the number of independent consultants and sales growth. Has the company been accurately reporting that it was losing consultants and had declining sales in 2007 and 2008?

Exactly how successful was the company during that period? Check the financial statements [Schedule 5]:

2007 Sales: $722,494,000
2008 Sales: $569,157,000
2009 Sales: $370,993,000

How did that translate into profit or loss ?

"For the year ended December 31, 2007, Natural Products Group reported a $3 million net loss on a consolidated basis.

For the year ended December 31, 2008, Natural Products Group reported a $48 million net loss on a consolidated basis.

For the eleven months ended November 30, 2009, Natural Products Group reported a $40 million net loss on a consolidated basis."

Does that seem consistent with how company executives have portrayed the company during that period?