I am a little late to the party on this but it looks like a site posted a letter about the UK Sanctions and DTI from Network 21 leader, Jim Dornan (the post with the letter has now been removed). Then Amway responded to the letter by saying the following on the Amway Media Blog:

We’ve read the letter, too. And for the record, we do not stand by its assertions.

In its complaint against Network 21, the DTI makes serious
allegations about the way Network 21 represents the Amway business
opportunity in the UK. It troubled us to read that complaint. It also
troubled us to read, in a separate complaint filed against Amway, that
the DTI feels we did not do enough to police the misrepresentations
made by Network 21 and others.

The Amway Media Blog ends the post with:

The spin that Network 21 is putting on this situation is not productive.

I tried to find the letter online, but was not successful. If anyone has a copy of the Network 21 letter, please forward it to mlmblog (at) mlmblog.net.

I must say that I like the tone of Amway in this case, using the term "spin" regarding a letter drafted by someone as visable and influential as Jim Dornan takes oranges.