There is a strategy in Network Marketing that some people call “Fake It ’til You Make It” and up until recently I think I may have misunderstood the true strategy and even who the strategy is meant to fool.

I now believe the idea behind “Fake It ’til You Make It” is about displaying confidence (not displaying a fake Rolex).  It’s a mental strategy to get you into a more successful mindset. It’s not about faking someone out about your level of success, it’s about believing what’s possible.

If you want to sponsor more people, gain more customers and help more of your team achieve their goals, influence is the most important skill to develop and step one in developing influence and persuasion is to display confidence.

Step # 1 in developing influence and persuasion is showing confidence.

You have to believe in what you are saying.

When I was making $200 a month in Network Marketing, I had a belief that the business would (one day) work for me.

I know that many of you are trying to build your business, but at the same time you are skeptical about whether or not it will really work for you

Here is the problem:  If you don’t believe that it will work for you, how in the world are you going to display enough confidence to influence another person to join your team? It’s not possible.

Until we cue the “Fake It ’til You Make It Strategy”. Mentally convince yourself that you are going to make it.

If you want someone to believe you, you have to first believe yourself, or at least appear to believe yourself.

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