The most expensive stock on the New York Stock Exchange, Berkshire Hathaway shares already have touched the $100,000 mark a few times in intraday trades this month. Once they close at that mark and stay there, Chairman and Chief Executive Warren Buffett will be the only corporate chieftain in America who can say his stock price equals his annual salary.

The stock that never splits is about to embark on a bold new pricing frontier as it makes its way into the six-digit realm. Berkshire’s Class A shares have been in the five-digit realm for almost 14 years now.

The article continues with a listing of some of the 70 companies owned by Berkshire Hathaway.

But it doesn’t stop there, as the reach of Buffett and Berkshire now
includes roughly 70 companies dealing in everything from underwear to
sugary snacks, from diamonds to home building. His companies include
Fruit Of The Loom, Cort Business Services, Ben Bridge Jeweler, Johns
Manville, International Dairy Queen, See’s Candies and The Pampered

The $100,000 stock: Berkshire Hathaway – MarketWatch