Linda Montano was getting bored with all of the invitations for home parties selling candles, or gourmet food or jewelry.

“It’s so common,” the New Lenox resident, who years ago sold Tupperware, said. “All that stuff is fine and dandy. I know 10 people who sell candles.”

Montano said she was looking for a business.

When she read a newspaper article this spring about Jockey Person to Person — a new direct-sales division of the well-known underwear brand — Montano was intrigued. She became a Jockey “Comfort Specialist” and held her first party in May, inviting family and friends.

Montano did three more this month and has another seven parties planned for November.

I’m familiar with direct-sales firms such as Tastefully Simple, AtHome America and Pampered Chef, but selling underwear out of your living room sounded a bit odd, particularly from a company such as Jockey.

DAILY SOUTHTOWN :: Mike Nolan :: In brief, cashing in on underwear