It’s a double edged sword. You strive to get people to read your blog and then you write something that you might wish they didn’t read.

I am a regular reader of Dave Robison’s On The Road with Dave Blog. It’s good writin’ makes for good readin’.

Well, last August, Dave posted the following:

August 31, 2006 will be my last full day as a Quixtar Independent
Business Owner, if I am not in the qualification process as a "Platinum
IBO" as defined by the Independent Business Ownership Plan in the
Quixtar Business Compendium.

So, if you are one of those people
that like to remind a person of something they said in the past; and
you feel like you may need to remind me of this statement; this will be
your opportunity to save this entry and make a note on your calendar
for next year.

Since that day, I haven’t really seen any sort of update on Dave’s progress to Platinum qualification. With 3 months to go, I am very curious how Dave is doing.

Will Dave hit Platinum qualification in August?

Will Dave really quit Quixtar if he doesn’t hit Platinum?

Will Dave really stay away from MLM if he quits Quixtar?

Tick-Tock. Time will tell.